Monday 14 October 2013

Bournville Research.

As I have been studying art and design for the past two years in the area of Bournville, Birmingham, there are many buildings around the village that I see on a day to day basis. For my first project in my second year of university, we have got to make a video based on Bournville village itself. This video could include the buildings that I have studied in, for example Ruskin hall. It could also be on the history of the village, for example, the village belongs to Quakers, so It could be on their beliefs or rules on how they wanted the village to be run.
One of the most popular buildings, and business in Bournville is Cadbury World which is known worldwide. The name was taken from George Cadbury, the founder of the chocolate company, who's bronze statue still remains at the Quakers Meeting house on the Linden road.

There are many popular buildings in the village that have a lot of history behind them. Such as....

The Rest house.

The Rest House, Bournville Village Green This building was built for George Cadbury and his wife Elizabeth Cadbury for there silver wedding anniversary. It is now a little gift shop for visitors to Bournville.

The Carillon.
 Built in 1906, the Bournville carillon is one of the largest in great Britain, playing its 48 bells twice every Saturday for an hour each time, at 12.00 and 15.00.

Selly Manor

 Selly manor was originally based at Bournbrook in Selly Oak, and the plan was for it to be demolished. This all changed though, because George Cadbury said that he would the building to be moved to his village of Bournville. So in 1907, that's exactly what he did. They tried to use as much of the original material of the building as they could when restoring the building. Laurence Cadbury, George Cadburys son, travelled the world to try to find the exact pieces of furniture that should go in the building to make it look exactly how it did all those years ago. Today it is still set up the exact way he left it at it is used as a museum for visitors to see exactly what he building was originally like.

My Idea...

 As I am very interested in the history of Selly manor, I knew straight away that I would like my video to be based around this building. Due to how old the building is, It reminds me of a haunted house. So, for my project I am going to make a trailer for a horror film.


So my first step is to look at trailers that have already been made to see what sort of effects are used.

- Sound Effects
- Which characters will be in it? if any?
- The setting.. inside? outside?
- Angles

The shining...
1980, produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick, co-written with novelist Diane Johnson.

Simple but effective. The music in the background just makes this trailer. Even though you are just looking at a room for the first part, you know straight away that it is for a horror film simply just from the music. It is building up for main part at the end when floods of blood come gushing through the doors.
I went to Bournville at night!

So since I want I want to make a trailer for a horror film, I thought the best thing to do would be to take pictures of the building that I would like it to be based on, in the dark. These are the results...


Maple Road:-

The Green:-

After spending 3 nights in Bournville it turned out that my videos were not of a good quality because of the lack of light in the area...
This is how they turned out, but I'm not happy with them because they came out way too dark and I admit, making a video is not one of my strong points!....

As the quality of these videos is very poor, I went back to do some filming in the daylight...

Reseach on Selly Manor presentation:-


I have looked at old buildings that are now being used as museums, so people can see exactly what they like in the time they were built and lived in...

So since my attempt to start making a horror film trailor, my idea has completely changed. This is because I was finding it difficult to record my video in the dark. I found that it just wasn't coming out clear enough, due to this time of year, it gets dark early and rains a lot!
So I am now making an animation.
This animation was show how Selly manor used to be at Bournbrook, but is now in Bournville.

I am going to make it like a children's cartoon/animation. So I have started to look at some TV programmes that it can relate to, such as...

Thomas The Tank Engine.


Postman Pat


Bob The Builder

Bob the Builder 

I have chosen these three children's programs because they all seen to make vehicles interesting by giving then personalities.

As I am just showing the history of Selly manor, I need to make it appealing to children, so they wont get bored.

So I started of by drawing a simple map....


I then added street names and signs...

I decided that I am going to put Selly manor on the back of a truck and show it moving down the street, so make it simple enough to understand. This truck is going to stop of at places and pick items of furniture up, to show that the furniture inside Selly manor has come from all over the world as it was collected by Laurence Cadbury.

This is a simple version of my animation....
I have now started to make a book that will go alongside my video. I started to draw some characters that would be ideal for my book and found that this one would work best....
I then started to add a background to put the character into a story.

The next thing I did was go to waterstones down the road from my university. This gave me a chance to have a look and sneakily take pictures of some other childrens books! I could now see what type of book I would like to make. I looked at the colours used, the layout, and what the books were actually made out of. A lot of them stuck to original primary colours, had very straight forward animations, and some were printed on card.
Here are the pictures I took...


So I started to do some simple drawings for my book, which I would later put into photoshop to add colour.

I added them all to photoshop, coloured them in, but I wasn't happy with the result. As you can see below my pictures were very pixelated.

After  a tutorial, I was told that I would have been better making my book in Illustrator, as it isn't pixel based. but we thought it was too late for my change it all.
but I gave it a go anyway as I wanted the best result I could get!!
as you can see below.. it looked better almost straight away.

I was very pleased with the outcome.

I was still able to use my drawings, as I was shown how I can trace them using the pen tool in illustrator, and then export then as a PNG. I was then able to use the trace option so make the simple line drawings clearer, and then I extracted them, which let me colour each individual shape in.

Here are a few examples of how some of the objects looked as simple line drawings.

I then extracted these lines drawing, added colour and this was the result...

I was really pleased with the result considering I had never used illustrator before!

As for selly manor... that was made on photoshop.
again, I did a simple line drawing, scanned it into photoshop, and then filled each individual sectionswith either bricks, times or a block colour.

(rotating when uploaded for some reason ???)

this was my finished result, which I am really happy with.

My finished book....

Due to lack of facilities coming up to our deadline, I wasn't able to print my book in the original way I wanted to. I wanted to print it on A2 paper but I found out the day before my deadline that I wasn't able to do this. So I had to find a way of improvising. As I don't have a good quality printer I had to find somewhere else that did! this is where my mom working in an office comes in handy!! So I went there and I was able to print it on A4 paper, back to back, I then laminated it and bound it together.
I am happy with it, as I suddenly had such little time, I just wish I was able to do what I had planned.

The book was going to be printed on thick card and then I was going to use a sewing machine to bind it all together.

Here are my final animations for my book....

My final video...

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